스터디(코딩, 잡지식 등)

css 요소 가운데 정렬

촘스키 2018. 12. 10. 20:27

<!DOCTYPE html>




img {

  display: block;

  margin-left: auto;

  margin-right: auto;





<h2>Center an Image</h2>

<p>To center an image, set left and right margin to auto, and make it into a block element.</p>

<img src="paris.jpg" alt="Paris" style="width:40%">



<!DOCTYPE html>




.center {

  margin: auto;

  width: 60%;

  border: 3px solid #73AD21;

  padding: 10px;





<h2>Center Align Elements</h2>

<p>To horizontally center a block element (like div), use margin: auto;</p>

<div class="center">

  <p><b>Note: </b>Using margin:auto will not work in IE8, unless a !DOCTYPE is declared.</p>



